Beating Bedbugs Naturally

The admonition ". . .and don’t let the bed bugs bite." was never truer than it is today when super pesticide resistant bedbugs are taking a bite out of a record number of unprotected sleepers. Barring a few super noxious and possibly illegal chemical treatments, bed bugs can be a challenge to get rid of. I wrote a blog about it a while back that you should review if you're having problems.

Don't feel bad if you're getting a nocturnal visit from these thirsty vampires. They've infested a number of major cities and can hang out in some of the best hotels. You're also at risk if you buy clothes or furniture used, or have a child in college who visits home occasionally.

This article should get your in protection mode: 4 Places Bedbugs Hide and How to Avoid Them.

After you've finished it, take a look at my blog post: Natural Bedbug Control 

With diligence and a few old-time and herbal treatments, bed bugs can be banished, but only if you work fast to keep them from getting settled into your walls and carpeting.

Good luck, and if you stumble on a treatment or idea that really works, please come back and share.
